New Web Page Launched to Oppose California Proposition 14

On March 11, Christina Tobin, founder of Free & Equal, launched a web page to oppose California’s Proposition 14, the “top-two open primary.” See it here.


New Web Page Launched to Oppose California Proposition 14 — No Comments

  1. This website says that Oregon voters defeated the “top two” in 2006. Actually, it was in November 2008.

    65.94 percent voted “no” as M65 lost in every county.

  2. Excellent, hopefully the anti-democratic “top two open primary” will be overwhelmingly rejected.

  3. #2 The editorial from Blair Bobier was from 2005 when the Oregon legislature was considering passing the Top 2 primary via the legislative process. Since the Supreme Court ruling did not come until 2008, his editorial gives a misleading representation of the constitutional issues.

    Hopefully the opponents of Proposition 14 will not resort to the despicable tactics of the Oregon teachers union.

    I was going to ask about the apparent endorsement of opposition by the Washington League of Women Voters, but that has now been removed.

  4. I am embarrassed, but understand why, the American Independent Party of California is not listed on the website in support of “NO ON 14” Therefore, let me make it clear that the historic and rightful leadership of the party; the candidates endorsed by the Constitution Party who are running in the AIP primary; and the vast majority of AIP activists throughout California who support them, stand strongly with Richard Winger, Christina Tobin and all the good people who are part of the multi-partisan coalition that is united in opposition to the abomination known as “Top Two.”

    Gary Odom
    National Field Director
    Constitution Party;
    State Chairman CA AIP 1988-1990

  5. In CA, under a “top-two” communist system there will be a single party. It will not be the Democratic or Republican party, it will be the party of the state – the communist party of California.

    The fact is that in the old USSR there were often two or more candidates nominated by the single party on the ballot which allowed the voters to choose between the candidates of this single party. Yeah, just like the single, state communist party being created by “top-two.”

    In the old USSR the average number of candidates per office was just a bit under two. Under “top-two” we could easily end up with a lower average when the uncontested lower level offices are included.

    This is no accident. The creators and supporters of “top-two” know that they are creating a one-party communist style election system. It will allow the state and the power brokers to control access to elections thoroughly and prevent free elections for as long as the system is allowed to stay in effect. This is the intent of the plan.

    “Top-two” is communism.

    “Top-two” is communism.

    “Top-two” is communism.

    Wake up California!

    “Top-two” is communism.

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