Mississippi Initiative To Be Used for Only the Third Time

The Mississippi Secretary of State says a statewide initiative has qualified for the November 2011 ballot. It would require voters at the polls to show government photo-ID in order to vote. This is only the third initiative that will have ever appeared on the ballot in Mississippi. The state has had the initiative since 1992. The first two initiatives were for various kinds of term limits, and they were defeated at the polls. See this story.


Mississippi Initiative To Be Used for Only the Third Time — No Comments

  1. what is wrong with fair and honest elections? Richard thank you for this great web site .keep up the great work.

  2. There was a ballot issue in 1978 in Mississippi to formally ban dueling because of a loophole in the state Constitution. Why are they saying they only had the initiative since 1992? Is there a difference between the two forms of voting in 1978 and today?

  3. There is a distinction to be made between the initiative, versus statewide ballot measures put on the ballot by the legislature asking the voters if they want to amend the state Constitution. The 1978 measure was not an initiative.

  4. “There was a ballot issue in 1978 in Mississippi to formally ban dueling because of a loophole in the state Constitution.”

    I think that dueling should be legal. If two individuals want to duel then they ought to be able to do so.

  5. Mississippi had the initiative in the early 1900s but lost it due to a state Supreme Court ruling. The current initiative process was approved by the voters in November 1992. The US Department of Justice okayed it in 1993.

    I predict that the voter ID initiative will win easily in November 2011, when the Magnolia State will also elect its state and county officials. This initiative will help the Republican nominees; the Democratic nominees will be in a quandary, since a significant portion of their base is opposed to voter ID.

  6. How many States have ILLEGAL aliens voting in State/U.S.A. elections ???

    Bring in those Asian hoards to totally take over Western Civilization (or just have absentee ballots for them — to save on travel expenses) ???

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