British Government Will Introduce Bill for an Elected House of Lords, Using Proportional Representation

According to this British newspaper story, the Labour Government plans to introduce a bill for an elected House of Lords of 300 members. Elections would use proportional representation. The term would be a maximum of 15 years, with one-third of the seats of the House of Lords being up simultaneously with each general House of Commons election. Thanks to James Hammett for the link.


British Government Will Introduce Bill for an Elected House of Lords, Using Proportional Representation — No Comments

  1. The Liberal Democrats have been pushing for these sorts of electoral reforms for decades, going back to when they were the Social Democrats-Liberal Alliance in the 1980s and had John Cleese.

  2. I find it interesting that in the new system the Brits will borrow from both Austrailia and the United States for rules for future government, despite both of those countries being former colonies. Austrailia has direct elections for the lower house and proportional representation in the upper house while the U. S. has a system where the lower house is elected in short intervals and the upper house has elections to be renewed by one third every time.

  3. # 3 Gee — the old regime can learn some DEMOCRACY from its former colonies. Shocking.

    P.R. and A.V. — perhaps to END the EVIL monarchy and the EVIL house of lords — the endless sources of endless EVIL ???

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