Two Simultaneous Court Hearings Involving Constitution Parties, Nevada and California

By an odd coincidence, two court hearings involving the Constitution Party will be held at exactly the same hour on the same day this week, one in Nevada and one in California.

The Nevada case is Fasano v Ashjian, in Nevada state district court in Carson City, 10-oc-00118. The hearing is at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 26. The Independent American Party (Nevada state affiliate of the Constitution Party) filed this lawsuit to force the Secretary of State to remove the Tea Party’s candidate for U.S. Senate. The case alleges that the Tea Party candidate should have changed his registration from “Republican” to “Tea Party” no later than March 1, but that he didn’t change until March 2.

The California case is King v Robinson, in California Superior Court, Solano County, FCS034452. The hearing is also at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 26. This case was filed March 16, 2009, to obtain a decision as to the identity of the legal officers of the American Independent Party of California. The case has been delayed because the defendant has evaded being served. Plaintiffs will argue that defendants have been served, and also that defendants improperly failed to appear at a recent deposition. The plaintiffs are associated with the Constitution Party nationally. The defendants are associated with the people who supported Alan Keyes for President in 2008.


Two Simultaneous Court Hearings Involving Constitution Parties, Nevada and California — No Comments

  1. it is no coincidence. There has to be a better way to do an ultra rightish, anti gay, anti abortion movement!

    Coincidence ???????? Space Cadet Captain Cody Quirk is involved in both situations! And that is no coincidence!

  2. Don- Why do you always bust on Cody? I think it detracts from YOUR message… just sayin’

  3. Because he doesn’t take his meds like he should, and he doesn’t have a life either.

  4. Pingback: Two simultaneous court hearings involving two CP state affiliates, Nevada and California | Independent Political Report

  5. # IAP or AIP it really makes no difference to me Says:
    March 24th, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Don- Why do you always bust on Cody? I think it detracts from YOUR message… just sayin’

    [a] it is no coincidence!

    [b] I hate Bible Beaters busting in on secular public administration

    [c] I hate liars

    [d] I have personal first hand information that he is and has been devious (personal, TPW, IPR).

    [e] I have multiple documentation that he is and has been ………

    [f] his ‘take you meds’ hits don’t mean a thing in real life and is an irritating ‘straw man’ that hurts him a lot more than it hurts me, but why quit there

    [g] it makes me feel emotionally and ethically superior to be around immature religious zealots like my least favorite space cadet

    [h] it makes me feel superior when my life is trans parent [phone book, address, real name] and he has to resort to ‘IAP or AIP’ cowards’ shields.

  6. Don, if you use extra aluminum foil on your hat, then you will less likely hear the voices from the transmitter.


  7. my message IS that counter productive room temperature IQ mental midgets and blind assed Jesus Freaks like Captain Cody Quirk are a drag on the effort against the evil evil Establishment Duopoly!

  8. Quirk // Mar 25, 2010 at 1:53 am

    What do you mean that the world is a “screwed up”? Do you mean “unfair”?

    = Does it matter?

    ……… a guy like this DESERVES TO GET SMACKED DOWN!

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