District of Columbia Will Switch to Vote-Counting Machines with a Paper Trail

On March 24, the District of Columbia Board of Elections said it will no longer use vote-counting machines that have no paper trail. Instead, it will use iVotronic vote-counting machines, which do create a paper trail. The switch will be in time for this year’s primary. See this story.


District of Columbia Will Switch to Vote-Counting Machines with a Paper Trail — No Comments

  1. How big is the junk pile for the e-voting stuff with NO paper trail ???

    Quite shocking that the EVIL party hacks have NOT gotten rid of all paper and claimed that the NO paper trail E-voting stuff is quite OK — to keep themselves in power forever — as if rigged gerrymander districts are NOT enough.

    P.R. and A.V.

  2. Paper trails on electronic machines have already been proven as easily riggable as the digital votes. Watch part nine (9) of Hacking Democracy.
    Benedict Arnold Defeats George Washington, and the paper trail proves it. The election people witnessing this were in tears!

  3. I support the following idea:

    A ballot divided into 3 sections: 1 for the voter, 1 for the voting official and 1 for a computer. The voter casts an absentee ballot. It then keeps one vote for itself. The voting official gets to keep another vote. The final vote is given to the computer.

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