Maine Senate Passes Bill Requiring Paid Circulators to Register with Secretary of State

On March 22, the Maine Senate passed LD 1730. It requires paid circulators for ballot measures to register (before working) with the Secretary of State. The fine for working before registering is $1,000. Entities that hire paid circulators must also register, and the fine if they fail to register is $10,000. The bill now goes to the House.


Maine Senate Passes Bill Requiring Paid Circulators to Register with Secretary of State — No Comments

  1. Any registered circulators for the DOI in 1776 — for King George III to keep track of ???

    What is that R word ??? — as in American R ???

    How EVIL CORRUPT are the party hacks in EVERY gerrymander State legislature and the gerrymander Congress ???

    P.R. and A.V.

  2. Gathering signatures on petitions is a 1st amendment activity. Why should people have to register with the state in order to engage in a 1st amendment activity? Attending a religious service is a 1st amendment activity as well, so should people who attend religious services have to register with the state before they can attend a religious service and get fined if they don’t? This legislation is absurd.

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