Bill Redpath Lobbies Oklahoma Legislators

Bill Redpath, national chair of the Libertarian Party, is in Oklahoma April 10-12. He is lobbying Oklahoma legislators for better ballot access. He is also appearing at a press conference called by OBAR (Oklahomans for Ballot Access Reform) on April 12.


Bill Redpath Lobbies Oklahoma Legislators — No Comments

  1. Thanks for covering this. Redpath doesn’t get enough publicity for this lobbying work. Wes Benedict told me this weekend he and the LNC gets some reactions critical of Redpath’s focus on Oklahoma and similar situations in smaller states. What these critics don’t realize is Redpath pays all the expenses (like plane tickets) for this lobbying work out of his own pocket, not out of the LNC budget. I hope he continues this excellent work after he is no longer LNC Chair.

  2. Is Redpath allowed to run for re-election to Chair? He’s been a great chairman, it seems like, and has certainly put his money where his mouth is.

  3. “Trent Hill Says:
    April 12th, 2010 at 12:40 pm
    Is Redpath allowed to run for re-election to Chair?”

    Bill Redpath has said that he does not want to run for Chair again.

  4. I think Bill Redpath is a good guy and I think he would make a very fine Congressman in Virginia. I observed Mr. Redpath in action in Oklahoma this weekend meeting with legislators. The politicians always talk a sympathetic line, but only a few are doing the heavy lifting in Oklahoma. I hope Mr. Redpath’s visit yields positive results.

    But even positive 1/4 of a loaf or half-a-loaf is not good enough. It’s time to burn the whole loaf and demand the abolition of all ballot access restrictions – no petitions, no more back-of-the-bus mentality. NO more carrying clipboards forever. No more corrupt ballots.

  5. Equal nominating petitions — equal as in the EQUAL protection clause in 14th Amdt, Sec. 1.

    Much too difficult for the MORON SCOTUS folks to understand since Williams v. Rhodes in 1968 — a mere 42 years of MORON ballot access cases in SCOTUS.

    The folks on this list apparently do NOT comprehend the extent of the party hack EVIL MORON so-called thinking in Devil City — by the party hacks in the Congress, White House and SCOTUS.

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