Final Brief Submitted in Doe v Reed

The U.S. Supreme Court hears Doe v Reed, 09-559, on April 28. On April 20, the final brief in that case was filed. Read it here. It is the rebuttal brief for proponents of keeping petition names and addresses secret, and consists of 24 pages of text.

Footnote 17 criticizes the amicus brief filed by Ohio and many other states. That amicus said that it is necessary for petition names and addresses to be made publicly available, in order to prevent petition fraud. That amicus gave as an example the Ralph Nader 2004 independent candidate petition controversy. As footnote 17 explains, no one charged anyone connected with the Ohio Nader petition with petition fraud. Instead, the controversy was whether four of Nader’s petitioners really lived in Ohio. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Final Brief Submitted in Doe v Reed — No Comments

  1. Does EVERYTHING connected with elections and ALL legislation now become magically *secret* ???

    ALL petitions – candidates and issues ???

    ALL bills in legislative bodies ???

    ALL votes on bills in legislative bodies and public votes on ballot issues ???

    Direct = Indirect in constitutional law ???

    Did the folks in the 1800s waste their time and effort in putting *secret* ballot language in the various State constitutions — when the 1st Amdt was around ???

    I.E. — is this one more giant PERVERSION / SUBVERSION of an older legal provision by New Age activist lawyers and judges ???

    See the perversion / subversion of the 2 Due Process Clauses (5th Amdt and 14th Amdt, Sec. 1) by the party hack Supremes at different times.

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