New York Releases Official Vote Tally

On December 14, New York State Board of Elections released the official vote tally for the November 7, 2006 election.

The gubernatorial vote percentages for each party are:

Democratic 61.77% (best gubernatorial since 1986)
Republican 24.92% (worst gubernatorial since 1990)
Independence 4.30% (worst gubernatorial since 1994)
Conservative 3.80% (worst gubernatorial since 1986)
Working Families 3.50% (best gubernatorial ever)
Green .95% (best gubernatorial since 1998)
Libertarian .33% (best gubernatorial since 1990)
Socialist Workers .13% (best gubernatorial since 1990)

In 2006, there was also an independent New York gubernatorial candidate with the ballot slogan “Rent is Too High”. He got .30%.

In 2006, the Working Families and Independence Parties cross-endorsed the Democratic nominee; the Conservative Party cross-endorsed the Republican nominee.


New York Releases Official Vote Tally — 3 Comments

  1. Mr. McMillan was denied the name “Rent Too Damn High” by the NYS BOE. Regardless of what one feels about this title, apparently their were at least 15K who had no problem with this name.

    Support a ‘task’ based party qualification in NY ! Flipping a coin every four years is not enough or even fair.

  2. Timm–

    Not necessarily so. What matters for the minor parties is (1) getting past the 50,000 vote threshold to qualify for party status for the next four-year cycle, and (2) getting past the OTHER minor parties to obtain more favorable ballot position, since the party columns/rows are assigned in sequence of votes received for governor.

    Howard Hirsch
    Dayton, Nevada

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