Mason-Dixon Poll Shows Lead for Crist in Florida U.S. Senate Race

According to this story, the latest neutral poll in the Florida U.S. Senate race, the Mason-Dixon Poll released May 6, shows these results: independent Charlie Crist 38%, Republican Marco Rubio 32%, likely Democratic nominee Kendrick Meek 19%, undecided and other 11%.


Mason-Dixon Poll Shows Lead for Crist in Florida U.S. Senate Race — No Comments

  1. Richard, are there any moderate independents or third party candidates (other than the Libertarian Party) currently running or planning to run for President in 2012?

  2. Not that I know, but it is very early.

    William Safire, who wrote for the New York Times before he died, was in the habit of making predictions for his last column of the year, on December 31. He asked questions and provided 5 possible answers. Then if one turned the column upside down, one could read Safire’s own prediction. He named many potential Democratic nominees in his column of December 31, 2006. One was what long shots might be nominated, and the other question was what likely Democrats might be nominated. So that was 10 different individuals who he thought might plausibly the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee. And none of the 10 were Barack Obama. In other words, no one ever considered the idea until sometime in 2007.

  3. This poll for the Florida Senate race reminds me of former Sen. Gary Hart re-entering the race for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination.

    Hart was leading in the polls at that time, but he didn’t come close to winning the nomination.

  4. Plurality extremist politics coming to the U.S.A. — as in the U.K., Canada, etc. ???

    P.R. and A.V.

  5. How is the Florida press generally in dealing with non-major party candidates? Has this candidate been invited to the debates? Gotten much free air time and scrutiny from the press?

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