National Popular Vote Plan Introduced in North Dakota

A bill to implement the National Popular Vote Plan for presidential elections has been introduced in North Dakota. One of the co-sponsors is the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Duane DeKrey (a Republican). The bill’s number is HB 1336.


National Popular Vote Plan Introduced in North Dakota — No Comments

  1. Egads. 🙁 The American public is sooo ignorant of history. (Hmmm, I wonder if the public education system was intentionally engineered this way.) Can I just secede now?

  2. This obsession with the popular vote still confuses me. I would think people would be more concerned with the bad block-voting aspect of presidential elections.

    I would think states would want a plan like this: “This state agrees to apportion our electoral votes if enough other states agree to do the same.”

    For example, in small states, the winner would generally get two electoral votes, and the loser would get one. That just seems fairer to me.

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