Kentucky Bill to Help Ex-Felon Voting Rights Advances

On February 12, the Kentucky House Elections Committee passed HB 70, which makes it easier for ex-felons to regain voting rights. Current law requires a complicated application by an ex-felon to regain the right to vote; the bill would provide that ex-felons automatically regain the right to vote. The bill excludes ex-felons who had been in prison for murder or sex crimes. Thanks to Ed Still for this news.


Kentucky Bill to Help Ex-Felon Voting Rights Advances — No Comments

  1. I am a convicted felon that would benefit from HB 70. I am in the process of having my civil rights restored and it is very time consuming and complicated. I have been waiting three weeks now for the prosecutor to write a statement that says I am not under investigation or indictment. I can not even start the process until I receive this statement. I have done my time and would like to receive my voting rights back so I can make a difference. Thank you for HB 70.

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