Philadelphia City Paper Covers Minor Party Protests Outside Homes of Petition Challengers

The August 18 City Paper, a free weekly Philadelphia newspaper, has this story about the last-minute protest outside the homes of several of the people who challenged this year’s statewide minor party petitions.  Thanks to James Babb for the link.


Philadelphia City Paper Covers Minor Party Protests Outside Homes of Petition Challengers — 2 Comments

  1. What would really help Pennsylvania and give hope to the people there would be a “third” major party. It would be interesting to see the creation of a Progressive Party of Pennsylvania – one that would be truly progressive (not a party that would bow to the wishes of every politically correct special interest group but a real independent-minded party that would be in touch with the mainstream of the voters).

    If such a party could be started; and if it could find candidates of real name recoginition; and if it could obtain good campaign bank accounts; and if it could enlist the assistance of some great lawyers; it would be in a position to stop the harrassment of the smaller parties by virtue its size and influence.

    If such a scenario could not come into play, perhaps the smaller parties in Pennsylvania could at least create a coalition that would try to do these same things that a “third” major party could do. A new major party is possible, though. I think that the Republican Party is going to be a minor-sized party by 2012 (as I have been saying and writing the past few years). The time seems really ripe for something new and exciting!

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