California Legislature Passes February Primary Bill

On March 6, the California Assembly passed SB 113 by a vote of 46-29. It now goes to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has already said he will sign it. It moves the presidential primary from June to February 5, while retaining June as the primary for all other office. This is the first time California will have had two regularly-scheduled statewide primaries since 1940. Back then, the California presidential primary was in May and the primary for other office was in August.


California Legislature Passes February Primary Bill — No Comments

  1. Put all offices on the Feb date. Drop the June date.
    We don’t have the $’s to pay for both. We don’t need both.

  2. I agree with asrnold and wish he could run for the President. I think in the world today with free interprize more open than ever we need a person who has not been American to run the Government. He has the experience of coming to America and becoming a World Class body bullder and making a name. The turning Movie Star to Political. He knows the ropes. He married a finger of the Kenedy clan.

    Cecilia Collins Texas

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