New Filings in Senator Burris’s Pending U.S. Supreme Court Lawsuit on Special Election

The U.S. Supreme Court has several new documents in Burris v Judge, the case over whether it was proper for a U.S. District Court Judge in Illinois to order that the only people who could run in the special election for U.S. Senate in Illinois are the people who were already on the ballot in the regular election.  See this story on Scotusblog.  The appellees have already filed responses in the U.S. Supreme Court, and now Burris has submitted a petition for cert in addition to his original request for injunctive relief.  Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


New Filings in Senator Burris’s Pending U.S. Supreme Court Lawsuit on Special Election — 1 Comment

  1. What MORON State(s) do NOT have 100 percent laws for filling vacancies in ALL public offices — U.S.A, State and local ???

    — especially regarding 3rd parties and independents.

    How many New Age MORON lower court judges are there in these New Age days ???

    Where is that Model State Election Law ??? — covering ALL possibilities — wars, insurrections, earthquakes, floods, fires, plague of locusts, whatever.

    How has Western Civilization barely managed to survive the MORON party hacks in the various legislative bodies — now along with MORON judges ???

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