California Bill Would Help Write-in Candidates

Senator Ron Calderon, chair of the California Senate Elections Committee, has introduced SB 439. It would provide that when write-ins are being counted, the intent of the voter should prevail, even if the voter casting the write-in vote didn’t follow all the instructions. This bill would assist write-in candidates in elections that use optical scan ballots (i.e., ballots which ask voters to fill in an oval or complete an arrow).


California Bill Would Help Write-in Candidates — No Comments

  1. Wow, now that Don Lake’s ‘buddy’ [Die Hard Democrat Donna (Surfer Girl) Frey] is a three time loser in the 2004/ 2005 San Diego City Mayoral Race, this common sense bill comes to the citizens’ relieve.
    In early 2004 Popular San Diego City Council Member, Surf Shop Owner, and spouse of surfer legend ‘Skip’ Frye, Donna turns down request after request to run for mayor.
    One environmental engineer and three empty grey flannel suits, WASP like grand dads all, vied in the March Primary. The November General election looked to be Dwiddle Lee Dumb and Dwiddle Lee Dumber in the Male Grey Haired Political Olympics. Both the [Fake] reformer/ imcombant and the nearly look alike ‘challenger’ were pretty much hollow three piece suits controlled by the Daily Union Tribune and other old line, insular, down town interests.
    Like a couple of other folks in the last Century and a Half, Frye declared a WRITE IN challenge after the primary and before the general. The November final [gross] total was a near three way tie with Frye’s write in ahead of the two establishment Grand Father.
    She still did not officially win!

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