Democratic Candidate for Pennsylvania Legislature Sues Town Over Ban on Putting Up Campaign Signs More than 30 Days Before Election

On September 20, the Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania State Senate, 16th district, sued a local government over its ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to put up a campaign sign on his or her own lawn, more than 30 days before an election.  The lawsuit also attacks another ordinance that says no one can put up such a sign without receiving a permit, which costs $5.  The plaintiff-candidate is Richard J. Orloski, who is running against the Republican incumbent, Senator Patrick Browne.  The case is Orloski v South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, 10cv-4845, U.S. District Court, e.d, Allentown.  Thanks to Larry Otter for this news.  See this story.


Democratic Candidate for Pennsylvania Legislature Sues Town Over Ban on Putting Up Campaign Signs More than 30 Days Before Election — 3 Comments

  1. The First Amendment for candidates only exists 30 days before an election ??? Since when ???

    See the LaRue (?) sign case in the Supremes.

    Jerk township regimes only pay attention to the Supremes when they get pounded for $$$ damages.

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