Greens Win Mayor’s Race in New Zealand’s Capital City with Instant Runoff Second Choice Votes

On October 12, Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city, held a Mayoral election.  Green Party nominee Celia Wade Brown was elected, defeating a four-term incumbent.  See this story.  The story says that the incumbent had the most first choice votes.  But Wellington uses Instant Runoff Voting, and that changed the result.  Thanks to Mike Feinstein for the link.


Greens Win Mayor’s Race in New Zealand’s Capital City with Instant Runoff Second Choice Votes — 4 Comments

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  2. IRV [aka Alternative Vote in the U.K.] for single offices — THE method to elect Stalin/Hitler clones when the Middle is divided.

    34 H–M–S
    33 S–M–H
    16 M–H–S
    16 M–S–H


    Hmmm. A mere 67 second place votes for M.

    NONPARTISAN Approval Voting for all elected executive offices and all judges — pending major education about head to head math — Condorcet math.

  3. If 34% of the electorate wants the Nazis and 33% wants the most murderous of the Commies, the country has very serious problems that go WAY beyond its voting system.

  4. Would Wade-Brown have been elected if San Francisco’s restrictive form of IRV been used?

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