New York Times Carries Pictures and Descriptions of Each Minor Party Gubernatorial Candidate

The print and internet editions of the New York Times of October 18 have this article about the five non-major party gubernatorial candidates in New York.  This coverage is very rare for the New York Times.  The article itself would not exist, surely, except for the fact that all of these candidates are in tonight’s gubernatorial debate.

Other media are also covering this debate.  Some press reports grumble that the stage will be “crowded”, but these articles never mention that at the beginning of the major party presidential primary season in 2007, there were numerous debates for the major party presidential candidates, in which there were as many as ten candidates on the stage for the Republican race, and nine for the Democratic race.  As various presidential candidates dropped out, that number shrank.  But for months and months, there were many Republican presidential debates with seven candidates on the stage.


New York Times Carries Pictures and Descriptions of Each Minor Party Gubernatorial Candidate — 2 Comments

  1. Perhaps stack up the candidates at a local sports stadium — with numbers on their fronts and backs — especially the OO candidate.

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