Washington Bill for Election-Day Registration Advances

SB 5561 in Washington state, to permit election-day registration, passed the Senate on March 13, and passed the House State Government Committee on March 30. It will receive a vote on the House floor very soon. County elections officials are strongly opposed to the bill and are working hard to defeat it. However, Democrats control the legislature and the Governor’s chair and seem solid in support of the bill.


Washington Bill for Election-Day Registration Advances — No Comments

  1. One extreen to the other. It would be better to let them have a week. But I suppose the Dems think they will get more votes if more people can vote. Hmmm, maybe we 3rd parties can get those voyes instead 🙂
    Richard, thanks. You do a real service here. We are working on writing our own bill to change the ballot access laws in Washington. Trying currently to get a Law Prof to teach. If that fails, any ideas?
    Linde Knighton

  2. One extreem to the other. It would be better to let them have a week. But I suppose the Dems think they will get more votes if more people can vote. Hmmm, maybe we 3rd parties can get those votes instead 🙂
    Richard, thanks. You do a real service here. We are working on writing our own bill to change the ballot access laws in Washington. Trying currently to get a Law Prof to teach. If that fails, any ideas?
    Linde Knighton

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