Florida Legislature Passes January Primary Bill

On May 3, the Florida House unanimously passed HB 537, which moves the presidential primary from March, to one week after the New Hampshire primary. Since the New Hampshire primary is expected to be January 22, that would mean a January 29 date for Florida. However, New Hampshire maintains the capacity to move its primary date on very short notice.

HB 213 also eliminates vote-counting machines with no paper trail.


Florida Legislature Passes January Primary Bill — No Comments

  1. Combined House Bill 537 and Senate Bill 960, which recently passed in the Florida state legislature, is really a “train” or hodge-podge of many issues.

    The one item that sticks out when it comes to minor political parties, as I understand it, is that the bill stacks the executive committess of political parties, and gives the state party bosses absolute power to remove local party officers. Plus, the bill also denies the ejected executive committee officers the right to join any other political party for five years!

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