Gallup Poll Shows 38% of Voters Self-Identify as Independents

For at least 23 years, Gallup has been tracking how voters self-identify. Another poll on this subject was released on January 5. See the results here. It shows 38% of U.S. residents describe themselves as independents, 31% as Democrats, and 29% as Republicans. Perhaps more significant, 11% of Americans say they are not only independents, they don’t lean closer to one major party than the other one. Thanks to ThirdPartyDaily for the link.


Gallup Poll Shows 38% of Voters Self-Identify as Independents — No Comments

  1. How soon before the Donkey/Elephant party hack gangs cause Civil WAR II ??? — with their mouths and/or THE FATAL control freak law.

    1773 U.K. Tea Tax Act >>> 1775-1783 American Revolution

    1854 U.S.A. Kansas-Nebraska Act >>> 1861-1865 Civil WAR I

  2. regarding independent voters — SCOTUS is currently attempting to dodge the issue by resisting changing its is Nixon Watergate era Rosario v Rockefeller 1973 decision — even giving illegal “tourists” more political nominating rights than natural born citizens.

  3. We may be diverse, but we agree on more than we disagree on. We’re growing – slowly but surely – and the day is coming when an “Independent Primary” will be held in most if not all states and will nominate candidates who will defeat as many Democratic and Republican candidates as they defeat “Independents.”

    As we continue to grow the day will come when the states will be forced to allow “Independents” to hold “Presidential Preference Primaries” and elect delegates to an “Independent National Convention.”

    When this day comes, it will not be a question of which of the two major parties will win the Presidential election, but which of the 3 major candidates – Democratic, Republican, or Independent will be elected President.

    Hope I live to see that day.

  4. # 4 How soon before the EVIL party hack Donkeys / Elephants get really drastic and wipe out ALL third parties and independents — even by a constitutional amendment, if necessary ??

    See the Empire Strikes Back in the Star Wars series.

  5. Demo Rep; I don’t think that will ever happen. The government might eventually keep all 3rd parties off the ballots, but you can’t keep someone from claiming to be an independent. And if these “independents” or “Independents” demand ballot position for “Independent” candidates, and if there are more of us than there are of the “EVIL party hack Donkeys/Elephants” (as you call them) they cannot hold us back if we are the majority.

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