CATO, and Center for Competitive Politics, Will File Amici Curiae Briefs in Arizona Public Funding Case in U.S. Supreme Court

CATO, a well-known libertarian think-tank, and the Center for Competitive Politics, have both received permission to file amici curiae briefs in the U.S. Supreme Court in Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC v Bennett, 10-238. This is the case that challenges extra public funding for certain candidates in the Arizona system of public funding for candidates. Both briefs will be on the side of the candidates and groups that challenged that aspect of the Arizona system. Both groups had also earlier filed amici in this case, urging the Court to hear the case.

The case will be argued March 28. When the case was in the lower courts, it was called McComish v Bennett. The new name of this case is rather cumbersome.


CATO, and Center for Competitive Politics, Will File Amici Curiae Briefs in Arizona Public Funding Case in U.S. Supreme Court — No Comments

  1. Is the PUBLIC funding EQUAL for all candidates for the same office ???

    If NOT, then gee whiz, a blatant violation of the EQUAL Protection Clause.

    How many voters want their tax money being given to candidates who are their political ENEMIES ???

    Sorry – New Age elections are NOT nice — as if they ever were.

  2. Arizona treats all candidates alike, regardless of their party affiliation or lack of party affiliation.

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