The nation has now seen 4 presidential debates on national television this year. Two Republican debates each had 10 candidates; two Democratic debates each had 8 candidates. The June 5 debate was two hours long. These debates are successful. They give all of the participating candidates a chance to set forth a message. There is no longer any excuse whatsoever for the general election debates to be confined to candidates who poll 15% at the polls. It is hoped that the organization Rock the Debates ( will succeed in its mission. Its mission is to put the leading Democratic and Republican presidential contenders on record for more inclusive general election debates.
I have a feeling that Ron Paul and some others will have a hard time getting into future debates. Ten is a (just barely) workable number of candidates… but with Fred Thompson, Alan Keyes, and probably Newt Gingrich getting in — it’s going to get crowded!
I would bet that the networks start organizing debates between the top 5-6 candidates.
Even ABC radio today, Wednesday, mentioned Ron Paul and a comment during the debate.
Nasty Propaganda Radio mentioned about seven candidates, but continued its blacklisting of Dr. Paul.
The Associated Press, equally slimy and dishonest, ran a story mentioning apparently every name, with special loving attention to Mario Giuliani — I say apparently because I lost count since Giuliani was mentioned so often — but continues its blacklist of Dr. Paul.
Honesty and truth are strangers to the mainstream “news” media.
Lovers of honesty in reporting and lovers of liberty will have — as usual — a tough time with the “news” media this year.
If you watch every debate you will see that the top 3 are getting twice as many chances to speak as the others!! No wonder they are reporting the top three are winning and it happens in both dem and repub debates . The media is selecting our candidates for us. Funny, I thought that was the voters job ? A good web site to watch is