British Electoral Commission Publishes Explanation for Voters of Instant-Runoff Voting Question

The British Electoral Commission has published an explanation of the upcoming May 5, 2011 vote on Instant-Runoff Voting for members of the House of Commons. Here is the booklet intended for voters in England. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


British Electoral Commission Publishes Explanation for Voters of Instant-Runoff Voting Question — 4 Comments

  1. I’ve said on this website that I’d vote against, almost entirely based on the chance that it would advert the reduction of MP’s. But the review will seemingly happen anyway, so I’m kind of nudging towards the ‘yes’ camp but not totally decided.

    I do fear what it could do to our Parliament, while Coalitions (and Minority one-party Governments) is not strictly rare in the UK and happens every now and again; its quite possible it will happen at a much greater weight in future as it does in other countries where their systems were developed more for purposely crippling dominating parties rather than voter representation (such as Germany).

  2. Oh, and not strictly ballot access, but a Welsh referendum was passed in Wales which meant legislation currently produced by the Welsh Assembly does not need Westminster approval. 63.49% voted ‘yes’ although the turnout was only 35.2%.

    It does not grant any extra powers regarding the 20 areas the Assembly is limited to.

  3. The MORON booklet has the same candidate winning with both first past the post and Alt. Vote.

    Truly EVIL.

    The AltVote SCHEME if approved will produce the EVIL party hack stuff in the Australian House of Reps or even in the U.S.A. House of Reps. — lots of 60 percent left/right winners in the different party hack robot gangs having about zero in common — other than power madness.

  4. ALL parliamentary regimes have at least 2/3 TYRANTS — having both legislative and executive powers.

    How DARK AGE primitive are the Brits with their TYRANT prime ministers, hereditary/appointed Lords, hereditary monarchs, gerrymander MPs — many in safe for life gerrymander districts, etc. ???

    i.e. one giant EVIL mess — even a bit worse than the EVIL gerrymander mess in the U.S.A.

    Very good luck regarding the survival of jolly olde England.

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