Cindy Sheehan on National Speaking Tour Sponsored by Socialist Alternative

Cindy Sheehan is currently on a nationwide speaking tour. There have been thought that she might run for President in 2012, perhaps as the nominee of the Socialist Party and perhaps other parties. See here for the schedule.


Cindy Sheehan on National Speaking Tour Sponsored by Socialist Alternative — 5 Comments

  1. Like Sheehan’s ever going to gain any traction with the American electorate as a Socialist Party nominee. Of course, this is what America is all about: the freedom of speech and our values of liberty. Ironically, socialism is allowed to have a voice through freedom of speech, which socialism would squelch if it ever got in power.

  2. 1 – You don’t seem to be paying much attention to what is happening to free speech in this country. Or is it a move toward socialism here which is eagerly ceding the control of free and equal exchange of ideas to corporations, and the three or four people who own most of the news entities here?

    Are you suggesting that free speech has been somehow curtailed in northern European countries which have embraced socialist principles in the manner in which they exercise governmental influence? Are Swedes and Danes under an iron boot of governmental control? Have you asked any of them?

    Don’t conflate socialistic OR capitalistic economic systems with autocracy. Both can exist in a free society.

    Good grief, what some people have been brainwashed into believing..

  3. If Sheehan does run for president, my guess is that she’ll do so as an independent, and the Socialist Party may support her. If that happens, she may end up using SP-USA ballot lines in FL and OH, and possibly other places, but I don’t think she’d be running as a candidate of the Socialist Party in the traditional sense. We’ll see.

  4. Pingback: Cindy Sheehan on National Speaking Tour Sponsored by Socialist Alternative |

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