Arizona Senate Passes Birth Certificate Bill for Presidential Candidates

On April 13, the Arizona Senate passed HB 2177 by a vote of 20-9. This bill requires that birth certificates for presidential candidates be submitted. It must now return to the House, because when it passed the House, it concerned an entirely different subject.


Arizona Senate Passes Birth Certificate Bill for Presidential Candidates — 7 Comments

  1. As usual – if a birth certificate does NOT show the nation-state legal status of the father, then it is meaningless.

    How many foreign folks get physically born in the U.S.A. via mothers illegally in the U.S.A. or by accident (ship wrecks, sex slaves forced into the U.S.A., etc.) ???

  2. Pingback: Digest for 4/14 | Stuck in a Digital-Haze

  3. Demo Rep

    This is a good thing. In 2008 we had the major two parties
    have presidential candidates that were not citizens of the
    United States.

    Barack H. Obama II was the Subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar at birth. His mother at his birth was only 18 years of age. It was a requirement under U. S. Law at the
    time of his birth that the US Citizen parent be a resident
    of the United States for ten year and five of those years
    after the age of 14 years. Therefore, Stanley Ann Obama
    was to young to pass on US Citizenship to Barack H. Obama II.

    Note Section 338-17.8 states “CERTIFICATES FOR CHILDREN BORN OUT OF STATE.
    (a) Upon application on an adult or the legal parents of a
    minor child, the (Hawai’i) Director of Health shall issue
    a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that
    the legal parents of such individual while living without
    the Territory or State of Hawai’i has their legal residence
    for at least one year immediate preceding the birth or
    adoption of such child.”

    Lets look at how loosey-goosey the Director of Health handled birth certificate issuing prior to the birth of
    Barack H. Obama II.

    In 1899, as part of a conspiracy to hide the fact that
    Princess Victoria Ka’iulani Kalaninuiahilapalapa Kawekiu
    i Lunalilo Cleghorn, died in child birth of incest, a
    Birth Certificate was issued with a post date of the birth
    of her son by the Director of Health with the father of the
    baby as “Archibald Cleghorn” and the mother of the baby as an “UNKNOWN HAWAIIAN WOMAN”.

    Princess Ka’iulani was only 23 years old when she died in child birth. They even made up a cover story that she fell of her horse.

    Bottom line one should not trust records from the Hawai’i
    Director of Health.

    John Sidney McCain III was born in the Republic of Panama
    out of wedlock on August 29, 1936. His putive father, John
    Sidney McCain II, did not take John McCain III to court in
    Panama City to acknowledge him, under Panamaian Law at any
    time prior to his 21st birthday. John Sidney McCain III is not a citizen of the United States, because he was born on Colon Island (not a part of the Canal Zone)to Roberta Wright(McCain) who was not employed by either the United States Government or the Panama Railroad Company or its successor. This is because
    section 2 of the Panama Collctive Naturalization Act of
    August 4, 1937, required a parent to be employed by either
    the United States Government or the Panama Railroad Company
    at the time of birth. Even though John Sidney McCain II was employed by the US Government at the birth of John Sidney McCain III on August 29, 1936, he was just a putive father and the terms of the Hague Convention of Nationality of 1930 came into play, viz., if born out of
    wedlock, the right to citizaenship comes from mother only.

    Back in January, 1933, the McCain had a bogus marriage in
    a bar in Baja California. Marriage in Baja California has to be at a Civil Registry Office and not a bar.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  4. # 4 How about sending your stuff to the various U.S.A. Attorneys (even if they are O. stooge appointees) and to the AZ A.G. (even if a M stooge friend) ???

    Does ANY New Age party hack pay ANY attention to his/her oath of allegiance to the U.S.A. Constitution — Art. VI ???

    How many folks on this list have taken such an oath – holding a public office, in the military, as a juror, etc. ???

    note also the *subject to the jurisdiction thereof* in 14th Amdt, Sec. 1.

    See the 1866 U.S.A. Senate debates on the first – citizenship – sentence in 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 in the Congressional Globe.

    The Senate folks actually could detect that foreign women NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.A. might actually have kids physically born in the U.S.A. — and were NOT to be deemed to be U.S.A. citizens.

    Also – American Indian tribal folks in 1866 were NOT U.S.A. citizens — i.e. were deemed internal foreign folks.

    The American Indians were made U.S.A. citizens via 2 main naturalization laws in the early 1900s.

    How many kids from how many U.S.A. military folks in foreign regimes since 4 July 1776 ???

  5. Demo Rep

    I went to Mexico in 2008, to get the document that the McCain’s never married in 1933. It was recorded in Lordsburg, New Mexico. For a SASE and $1.50 you can get
    a certified copy of the document showing the McCain’s had
    never wed from that county clerk.

    Tell the county clerk it is the document that Mark Seidenberg recorded of the non-marriage of the McCain and Wright.

    Where you talking about the Snyder Act of 1924 and the
    Act that became effective in January 1941 for the American

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  6. # 6 Were you talking about the Snyder Act of 1924 and the
    Act that became effective in January 1941 for the American

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