Alaska Legislature Passes Write-in Spelling Bill

On April 13, the Alaska House passed SB 31, the bill that confirms that write-in votes are not necessarily invalid just because the voter misspelled the candidate’s name. The bill had already passed the Senate. The bill does not actually change policy, because last year Alaska state courts interpreted the old law to encompass this policy. However, the bill makes the law clearer.


Alaska Legislature Passes Write-in Spelling Bill — 3 Comments

  1. ALL election law stuff is supposed to be YES or NO — objective stuff — NO subjective stuff.

    Elections AIN’T a matter of taste – food, music, art, etc. etc.

  2. See also the Fed HAVA law — requiring the MORON States especially to have an OBJECTIVE YES/NO definition of a LEGAL vote — the response to ALL of the MORONS in the FL regime in 2000 in Bush v. Gore.

  3. Pingback: Alaska Legislature Passes Write-in Spelling Bill |

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