Constitution Party Petition Gets Early Start in Wyoming

Wyoming lets a petition to recognize a new party start circulating on April 1 of the odd year before the election. The petition is due on June 1 of the election year, so the state allows 14 months. The Constitution Party has never before qualified as a party in Wyoming, but it is determined to be on in 2012, and started on the first possible date. It now has 200 signatures toward the requirement of 3,734 valid signatures.


Constitution Party Petition Gets Early Start in Wyoming — 12 Comments

  1. That is what the Constiution Party of California is doing in CA. However its leaders Don and Ida Grundmann
    are not doing very will. By September 5, 2011, the CP
    needs 103.004 electors to qualify. On October 18, 2010
    it had 167. By February 10, 2011 the numbers of electors went down to 163. The numbers are going in the
    wrong direction for the Constitution Party of California.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  2. Separate is NOT equal — even in rocky Wyoming – THE smallest population State in the U.S.A. — with its 2 gerrymander U.S.A. Senators and the minimum 1 U.S.A. Rep.

  3. Why not just just join the Libertarians in Wyoming?

    = Because they don’t see eye-to-eye with Libertarian ideology

  4. #4 You mean they don’t believe in the Constitution, Individual rights and personal freedom? We can’t pick and choose which part of the constitution to support.

  5. Libertarians believe more in extreme individual liberty then they do in the constitution itself. Plus the matter of abortion and the issue of open borders are major matters of disagreement with Libertarians and Constitutionalists

  6. Cody Quirk

    You are wrong. Some so called “Constitutionalists” are
    “pro-choice” and others are “pro-life”. Have you forgot
    Tampa? Have you forgot the lock out of Michael P. and
    the “Pot calling the kettle Black” when Pro-Choice Nancy
    S. as State Chairperson of AIP attacked Michael P. because he was for a Pro-Life view with the IAP of Nevada.

    AIP is Pro-Life now. AIP left the CP on June 27, 2008,
    partly because of the lock out of Michael P. and the
    actions of the turn coat Chuck B. against Michael P.

    There are good people in the LP that are Pro-Life. That
    issue has divided both the LP and the CP. Bottom line
    Cody get real.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  7. You are wrong. Some so called “Constitutionalists” are
    “pro-choice” and others are “pro-life”. Have you forgot
    Tampa? Have you forgot the lock out of Michael P. and
    the “Pot calling the kettle Black” when Pro-Choice Nancy
    S. as State Chairperson of AIP attacked Michael P. because he was for a Pro-Life view with the IAP of Nevada.

    = Seidenberg, you are a fucking idiot! Favoring exceptions IS NOT being pro-choice, you incompetent moron!
    In fact that simpleton view itself is the reason why Roe V. Wade is still in effect; that illogical hostility and divisive has cost the lives of thousands of babies that could’ve been saved through civil dialog and proper legislation.

    And since you accuse the Nevada IAP of being “pro-choice”, with is total BS, you can now forget about us cooperating with you in the near future, and I will share your posts with Janine and the others.

    And again your lies about the AIP leaving are total bull; it was over Alan Keyes and you held that meeting in secret and intentionally failed to contact all the members of the state central committee about it.

  8. REAL Constitutionalists are more pro-life then any “christian reconstructionist” or theocratic bigot out there, and especially more so then idiots like you.

  9. #6 The founders did believe in individual rights and in a free society what actions should be against the law, if we don’t infinge on other people’s rights. Things like morals need to be taught by the family and churches.So I do think libertarians believe in the Constitution. The 2004 LP presidential candidate dida good job explaining the constitution.
    Badnarik talks about the Bill of Rights in this video. I lot of people have taken his constitutional classes as well.

  10. So I do think libertarians believe in the Constitution.

    = Some do, some don’t, the LP is quite diverse

  11. Pingback: Constitution Party Petition Gets Early Start in Wyoming |

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