Milwaukee Jury Acquits Two Voters of the Crime of Voting Twice

On May 25, a jury in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, acquitted a husband and wife of voting twice in 2010. See this story. They did submit absentee ballots before election day, but when they dropped by the polling place on election day, their names in the poll book did not show that they had voted absentee. So, believing their absentee votes had been lost or otherwise not counted, they voted at the polls. If they had been convicted, they faced being sentenced to prison.


Milwaukee Jury Acquits Two Voters of the Crime of Voting Twice — 3 Comments

  1. These two sound like really sympathetic defendants. It’s a bit offensive that they were tried in the first place. I’m curious if the law requires intent to commit fraud.

    I’m also surprised there’s nothing on the books saying that a poll vote automatically overrides an absentee vote.

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