Massachusetts Lawsuit on Order of Candidates on Ballot

A hearing was held recently in White v Galvin, the case pending in state court over whether a Massachusetts law, mandating that incumbents are always listed first on the ballot, violates the U.S. Constitution. The government claims the lawsuit is moot. A decision is expected soon on whether the lawsuit is moot or not. If the judge rules that the lawsuit is not moot, a trial will be set. The case is pending in state court in Plymouth County, no. ca04-427.


Massachusetts Lawsuit on Order of Candidates on Ballot — No Comments

  1. In New York, the party who received the most votes for Governor gets column A for the next four years.
    Since two parties can combine their votes, in 1994, the Republican-Coservative, George Pataki, beat Democrat-Liberal, Mario Cuomo, 49%-45%.
    However, Mario Cuomo beat George Pataki with just the votes of the D and R parties.

    Can anyone tell me if their are other states where two parties can combine their votes for one candidate?

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