Ralph Nader Files Reply Brief in Maine Supreme Court, in Case Against Democratic Party Behavior in 2004

On June 10, Ralph Nader filed a 15-page reply brief in Nader v Maine Democratic Party, Democratic National Committee, et al, in the Maine Supreme Court. The case was filed by Nader as a tort, in response to actions of the Democratic Party in 2004 to sabotage Nader’s ballot access efforts. Although most of this reply brief is concerned with whether a trial ought to be held in the case, page 7 has a concise list of the worst things that the Democrats did to Nader.

Nader’s similar lawsuits in other jurisdictions were barred by the statute of limitations, but Maine has a 6-year statute of limitations, so if this case is ever heard on the merits, it will be in Maine state court.


Ralph Nader Files Reply Brief in Maine Supreme Court, in Case Against Democratic Party Behavior in 2004 — 5 Comments

  1. Nader in 2008 never challenged the natural born citizen issue.

  2. Pingback: Digest for 6/13 | Stuck in a Digital-Haze

  3. Pingback: Ralph Nader Files Reply Brief in Maine Supreme Court, in Case Against Democratic Party Behavior in 2004 | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

  4. Maine is currently being led back to the 19th century by a fascist Republican troglodyte who won election with 38%. We’re now rolling back child labor laws, environmental protections, even the bottle bill for chrissakes.

    Ralph must be pleased. No tweedle dee, tweedle dum up here in Maine, goddamit. No sir. We got to vote for a third party candidate and we can sleep with our consciences!

  5. Where there is fraud that violates the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, a person must challenge it or aid in the weakenilng of those founding precepts. When it is a political party that is at fault, and that party is expected by the public to protect those precepts, then there should be no support for that party until it states publicly that it has breached faith and won’t again. Democrats must not allow political wars to affect them so much that they adopt bad tactics, especially when a person such as Nader is doing the work that they are suppposed to be doing, that is, protecting the republic and its citizens from dictatorship.

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