The New York special election set for September 13, to fill the vacant U.S. House seat, 9th district, will have three candidates on the ballot. The Democratic-Working Families-Independence candidate is David Weprin. The Republican-Conservative candidate is Robert Turner. The Socialist Workers Party candidate is Christopher Hoeppner. Hoeppner got on the ballot by petition, and no one challenged that petition.
The Socialist Workers Party has not had many candidates on the ballot for U.S. House in recent years, but the few it has run have polled relatively high shares of the vote, at least in comparison to the party’s showings historically. In 2010 the SWP had candidates on the ballot in two districts: Iowa’s 3rd district, which includes Des Moines, where Rebecca Williamson received 6,258 votes (2.60%); and New York’s 15th district, which includes Harlem, where Roger Calero received 2,647 votes (2.33%).
Six parties, only 3 candidates… IMO, too few candidates!
SWP has been obsolete since 1932 with the Donkeys becoming totally socialist.
See the result — the bankruptcy of the U.S.A. regime of death, destruction and deficits.
good afternoon from camp luna linda —
right!! —
when will we see “none of the above” on every ballot?
and the “write-in” line — —
Mandatory Voting Debate —
find it on C-Span —
search Ralph Nader
thank you for your consideration — MMW
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Demo Rep, the Democratic Party is Socialist?!?! No they aren’t. Compared to most parties, they are center-right and centrist at best.
@5 Ignore #2. S/he posts variations on the same thing all the time.
Good luck to SWP.
@5. Anybody who thinks that the Dems are a center-right party needs to have their head examined. The Dems are centrist at the very, VERY best and leftist/democratic socialist at the worst.
Most Dems stopped being leftist/socialists some 20 years ago.