CNN Poll Shows Only 14% of Americans Approve of Congress

A CNN/ORC poll released on August 2 shows that only 14% of Americans approve of recent Congressional behavior, and 84% disapprove. Only 2% are undecided. The poll includes an appendix that shows how the public responded to this same question, all the way back to April 1974. The current disapproval is the greatest in the history of the poll. The greatest approval for Congress was recorded in the period October 11-14, 2001, when 84% approved and only 10% disapproved. That was the month when anthrax was being mailed to various offices around the nation, including some Congressional offices. It was, of course, also the aftermath to the September 11, 2001 attacks.

One wonders if these poll results will cause leaders of Americans Elect to consider running candidates for Congress as well as for President in 2012. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


CNN Poll Shows Only 14% of Americans Approve of Congress — No Comments

  1. ANTI-Democracy Gerrymander MONSTERS in the ANTI-Democracy Gerrymander Congress at work = contempt and loathing of the MONSTERS by the mere public.

    Accumulated gerrymander EVIL since 4 July 1776.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V. N-O-W.

    See the stock market today — 1 more result of the MONSTERS at work.

  2. Interesting longish interview of Mayor Bloomberg in the PBS News Hour this very afternoon.
    Just concluded and was approximately in the :35 to :50 minute portion of the show.

    The totality of the interview was him hitting so many points about the nation’s problems.
    Focused on young black and Latino men in the new program he and George Soros were paying for. Part of Bloomberg’s foundation.

    The many comments about the economy and how the congress handled or screwed up the debt-limit debate.

    The man will be running in the American’s Elect spot.
    Put it this way, he wants to run, so how else will he do it.
    The events are playing perfectly into his hands.
    Many, especially on the left are no longer motivated by Obama. Extreme elements directing the Republicans.

    What, if Bloomberg wants it, who will deny him the AE spot?

    Watch the interview. He couldn’t have covered it better if he were actually running for president.

  3. Libertarians *personal experience* have done an extremely poor job of handling the problems of America. NASA is a murderous horrible horrible example of piss poor, terribly politicized government waste. The noise of the Libs ???????

    None that I can tell. As a non Lib with a wide Libertarian stripes, I have done more to publicly criticize JPL that the entire LPCa.

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