Schwarzenegger Vetoes Iraq Referendum

On September 11, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 924, which would have directed the California Secretary of State to place a non-binding referendum question on the February 2008 ballot, asking voters about U.S. policy in Iraq.


Schwarzenegger Vetoes Iraq Referendum — No Comments

  1. In Texas we are making progress towards getting a referendum question on the Texas Democratic Party’s primary ballot for next March. Schwarzenegger’s veto highlights the differences between the Democrats and Republicans on Iraq. The Republicans started this war by using faulty intelligence to mislead the public into believing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. Then, the Republicans went on to bungle the war and mire us in a civil war in Iraq. The Democrats will be the party that ends the war and brings our troops home.

    Bush’s handling of the war has been so inept that the 2008 election could be an historic realigning election that could result in Democrats winning more than 60 seats in the Senate. The key to achieving such a victory is for the Democrats to push hard for ending the war before Bush leaves office and to make sure that the public knows that after a Democrat moves into the White House on Jan 20, 2009, the war in Iraq will soon be over.

    Last night, I spoke at the West Austin Democrats and they endorsed a resolution asking the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) to put the referendum on the TDP primary ballot. Other clubs that have passed endorsesments of the proposal are the South Austin Democrats, Central Austin Democrats, Lake Travis Democrats, and Capital Area Progressive Democrats.

    On Monday, Sept 17, I will speak at the North by Northwest Democrats. They are having a forum on Iraq. I will ask them to endorse the proposal also. The meeting is Monday, September 17th, at 6:00 pm at La Madeleine, 3418 N. Lamar, in Austin.

    Texas Democratic Party rules and state law allow the party to hold non-binding referendums on issues placed on the primary ballot either directly by the SDEC.

    The proposed ballot language is:

    “Shall President George W. Bush, in support of the men and women serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, end the United States occupation of Iraq and immediately begin the safe and orderly withdrawal of all United States forces?”

    Turnout will already be high for the primary because of the intense interest in the presidential candidates. Adding a referendum on Iraq would probably raise interest and turnout in the primary even higher. Some people may even turn out to vote just so they can explicitly vote for bringing the troops home.

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