Iowa Republicans Confirm January 3 Caucus Date

The Iowa Republican Party has confirmed an earlier tentative decision, and will hold its presidential caucuses on January 3, which is a Tuesday. Iowa caucuses are always held in on Tuesday evenings. See this story. The story also says that it is possible New Hampshire won’t set its presidential primary date until October 28. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Iowa Republicans Confirm January 3 Caucus Date — No Comments

  1. How about having the first MORON Prez primary the day after a Prez election day or even perhaps on Jan 20 or 21 after a Prez election day — and repeat it every 51 days — one State/DC per day ???

    — i.e. have the media MORONS go even more nuts than they are already.

    END the EVIL madness.
    Abolish the timebomb Electoral College.

    Uniform definition of Elector in the U.S.A. — States/ DC / territories even the colonies.

    Go Guam — liberated the very hard way in 1944 after being occupied in Dec. 1941.

    P.R. and App.V.
    ONE election day – NO primaries.

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