Germany’s High Court Strikes Down 5% Vote Threshold, as Applied to European Parliament Elections

On November 9, Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, struck down a German election law that requires parties to poll at least 5% of the vote in order to win any seats in European Parliament elections held within Germany. See this story. Germany uses proportional representation for both its own elections, and for European Parliamentary elections. The ruling has no effect on elections for Germany’s own Parliamentary elections. Thanks to Dan Walker for the link.


Germany’s High Court Strikes Down 5% Vote Threshold, as Applied to European Parliament Elections — 4 Comments

  1. The story ends with —

    The 5 percent hurdle was introduced after World War II to avoid a proliferation of tiny parties entering parliament. That phenomenon was seen as one of the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, when a number of small extremist parties were represented in the German parliament. Some historians have argued that the institutional flaw helped bring about the downfall of German democracy and made it easier for Adolf Hitler to seize power.
    Hitler was APPOINTED to the Prime Minister by the senile Prez Hindenburg.

    The 1919 Germany Const. had a FATAL section permitting the govt to suspend the German Bill of Rights in a crisis.

    Gee – the Reichstag fire happens — allegedly by the nazis using a lunatic communist scapegoat.
    Hitler gets the Enabling Act passed – with the help of MORON liberal socialists.
    Tyranny death and destruction in 1933-1945 — around 70 million dead.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Hitler was appointed because his party was the largest. Any president would have appointed him. Although many European presidents (and monarchs) are charged with appointing a prime minister, this is just formality, they don’t actually get to pick whoever they want.

    Furthermore, no socialist party voted for the Enabling Act.

  3. ALL of the MORON parliamentary type regimes are prone to having tyrants — mixing legislative and executive powers in the same persons.

    See the ongoing TYRANT regime in the U.K. — with its NO written constitution.

    See the ongoing ROT in Greece, Italy, etc. due to parliamentary type regimes.

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