City of Aspen Asks Colorado Supreme Court to Rule that Ballots Cannot be Made Public After the Election

On November 10, the city of Aspen, Colorado, asked the State Supreme Court to reverse the ruling of the State Court of Appeals, that said after an election is over, ballots can be shown to members of the public on request, as long as nothing reveals which voter cast which ballot. See this story.


City of Aspen Asks Colorado Supreme Court to Rule that Ballots Cannot be Made Public After the Election — 3 Comments

  1. What if a bribe taker has a certain combination of votes on his/her public ballot to justify getting a bribe ???

    In the bad old days some bribe takers would put special marks on their bribed ballots — thus the NO legal vote laws if a ballot has ANY special marks on it.

  2. The officials who count the votes in the first place might notice the identifying marks. So whether the ballots are made public afterwards or not, there is a way to catch that.

  3. Will the all seeing officials detect the certain combination of votes with NO special marks on the ballots ???

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