While Texas Waits to Learn Primary Date, Candidate Filing Extended for Four Days, to December 19

On December 13, the Texas primary filing deadline was moved from December 15 to December 19. No one yet knows when the primary will be, and in the case of the U.S. House and state legislative races, no one knows what the district boundaries will be. Anyone who files will be permitted to withdraw later and obtain a refund of the filing fee. See this story.


While Texas Waits to Learn Primary Date, Candidate Filing Extended for Four Days, to December 19 — 2 Comments

  1. Which of the usual suspect gangs is the most EVIL/CORRUPT ???

    top Donkeys or top Elephants ??? An EVIL tie ???

  2. The court hearing was all day.

    The political parties (excluding the Greens, Libertarians, and America Elects) agreed to keep filing open until December 19. Candidates for the legislature and congress would specify a district and a map number from the state’s redistricting site. Anybody could unfile and refile without penalty (there are currently restrictions on withdrawing for one office, and filing for another during the filing period). Residency requirements for the legislature are ignored for the time being. There would be another filing period when the legislative districts are worked out.

    The major parties are supposed to work a court order that the district court can issue on filing issues. There is another hearing on Friday to discuss election dates.

    So far, there are only 61 (of 434) contested legislative and congressional races. They are giving them far too much importance, especially since the district boundaries are likely to be in litigation for the next several months.

    With the preclearance trial in Washington, D.C. set for January 17 to 26; and the SCOTUS hearing on January 9, a rational decision by the SCOTUS would be to simply wait for the outcome of the preclearance trial.

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