San Francisco Charter Amendment Introduced to Let Voters Rank as Many Choices in City Elections as they Wish

On December 14, San Francisco Supervisors David Campos and John Avalos introduced a proposed charter amendment, which would change the Ranked Choice Voting system so that voters could list as many choices as they wish. Currently San Francisco’s version of Ranked Choice Voting only lets voters mark their First, Second and Third Choices. Generally, other jurisdictions that use Ranked Choice Voting let voters have as many choices as they wish.


San Francisco Charter Amendment Introduced to Let Voters Rank as Many Choices in City Elections as they Wish — 3 Comments

  1. RCV = IRV = THE method to elect Stalin/Hitler clones when the muddled mystified Middle is divided.

    34 S–M–H
    33 H–M–S
    16 M–S–H
    16 M–H–S

    With RCV/IRV — M loses. S wins a mighty 50-49 *mandate* to go nuts.

    M has a mere 99 of 99 votes in 1st and 2nd place.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V. – pending Condorcet head to head math.

  2. Pingback: San Francisco Charter Amendment Introduced to Let Voters Rank as Many Choices in City Elections as they Wish |

  3. Is this all buried under “move elections of city attorney and treasurer” to same year as mayoral election?

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