Ohio Legislature Approves Bill to Move All Primaries to March 6, 2012

On the afternoon and evening of December 14, the Ohio legislature passed HB 369, which moves both the presidential primary and the primary for other office to March 6, 2012.

Just the day before, the legislature had held hearings on HB 391, a bill to set all primaries on May 22.

HB 369, which will probably be signed by the Governor soon, sets a December 30, 2011 deadline for candidates seeking a place on that March 6 primary. It passed each house with more than a two-thirds margin, so it can go into effect immediately. The bill has no effect on the independent presidential candidate petition deadline, which remains in August 2012. However, it is not good news for independent candidates for office other than president. They now need 5,000 signatures for U.S. Senate, and approximately 2,000 signatures for U.S. House, and they must gather them all during the next eleven weeks, in winter weather. The petition deadline for independent non-presidential candidates is primary day. Thanks to Josh Putnam for this news.


Ohio Legislature Approves Bill to Move All Primaries to March 6, 2012 — 4 Comments

  1. Another Change:

    HB 391, New Primary date, Single Primary May 22,
    Pres/VP, US House, and Delegates to refile, all others on from prior filing..

  2. Only congressional, presidential, and presidential delegates candidates may file by December 30.

    Filing for other offices ended December 7, since that had always been based on a March 6 primary.

    The bill also changed the congressional map.

  3. Yep, All others on from prior filing,

    Barely changed it, still 12-4, and whoever campaigns in OH-9 has to get a boat..

  4. Pingback: Ohio Legislature Approves Bill to Move All Primaries to March 6, 2012 | ThirdPartyPolitics.us

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