California Democrats Began Holding Endorsement Meetings for Congress, State Legislature

As this story explains, Proposition 14, the “top-two” measure, abolished party nominees and party primaries in California (except for President). So the California Democratic Party has already started holding meetings to decide which Democrat for various U.S. House and state legislative races will get the party’s endorsement for the June 2012 primary. This development illustrates one of the ironies of the movement in favor of “top-two”; that movement includes people who say they hate political parties and want to destroy the influence of political parties.


California Democrats Began Holding Endorsement Meetings for Congress, State Legislature — No Comments

  1. Very simple – vote for ANY candidate NOT endorsed by the EVIL robot party hack *leaders*.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    ONE election – NO moron primaries.

  2. In the past, public sector unions would tell their members how to vote in the Democratic primary. They could push turnout by their members, and expect that less organized voters would more or less vote randomly.

    This is why they oppose the Open Primary.

    If the candidate favored by the unions does not get the party nod, they won’t hesitate to push their favored candidate, and candidates who might have more appeal to independents and cross-over Republicans can play up the fact that they were not chosen by the party bosses.

    Is the Democratic party going to spend mass amounts of money supporting their endorsed candidate in a solid Democratic district (the type that will attract lots of party hopefuls)?

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