On November 1, the South Carolina Democratic Party’s Executive Council refused to accept the candidacy of Stephen Colbert and John Hughes. The Council rejected their filing fees. The vote on Colbert was 13-3. South Carolina presidential primaries are financed by the political parties, not the state government.
They said that Colbert was just using it to further his career. Isn’t that what the career politicians are doing?
I will not vote for a democrat this year because of this. I will vote for Stephen Colbert. NO MATTER WHAT!! I’m sick of career politicians. Why should someone else tell me who I can vote for? I was going to vote for my mother in law, but I think President Colbert sounds wonderfully refreshing.
It’s a shame that the SC democratic party would not support Colbert. He’s honest and would be a wonderful addition to the most ridiculous Presidential Campaign so far. I won’t vote for anyone else…cause guess what, they all suck!!! COLBERT 08′ OR BUST!!!!!!!!!