McKinney Will Attempt to Qualify for Primary Season Matching Funds

On November 5, Cynthia McKinney announced she will try to qualify for primary season matching funds. Candidates who are seeking the nomination of any political party (no matter how small) may obtain primary season matching funds if they raise $5,000 from each of 20 states. McKinney has not formally said that she is seeking the Green Party presidential nomination, but since she has actively sought to place herself on Green Party presidential primary ballots, she is a de facto candidate.


McKinney Will Attempt to Qualify for Primary Season Matching Funds — No Comments

  1. Cynthia can absolutely count on Florida Greens to raise the $5,000 (and much more) as soon as she makes it “official” that she is willing to run for president in 2008 as our Green Party candidate. The GP ballot line in Florida is secure, and basically all that is needed for Cynthia (or whoever our GP candidate is) to appear on the Florida ballot is for them to be nominated at our party’s national convention and file a slate of Green Party Electors (for the Electoral College) with the state. I was a Florida Elector for Ralph Nader in 2000, and for David Cobb in 2004. I’d be honored to be Cynthia McKinney’s Elector in 2008. Let the campaign begin!

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