Patrick McEwen of The Capital Free Press Analyzes Harm Done to Rick Santorum by Primary Ballot Access Laws

Patrick McEwen of The Capital Free Press (from Madison, Wisconsin) has this detailed analysis of how the complicated presidential primary ballot access laws of some states have injured the Rick Santorum campaign. It isn’t so much that Santorum’s name is missing from that many state presidential primary ballots, but that some states have separate petition requirements for delegates, and Santorum is not fielding full slates of delegates in quite a few states.

Also, as the analysis makes clear, Santorum himself is not on the ballot in Virginia and may not be on the Indiana ballot.


Patrick McEwen of The Capital Free Press Analyzes Harm Done to Rick Santorum by Primary Ballot Access Laws — No Comments

  1. The issue as I see it is the 1890 census effect on the
    false entry into the United States of Aldo Santorum from
    Italy, claiming he came from Austria. Aldo Santorum
    not being a United States Citizen at Rick Santorum’s birth means that Rick Santorum was not a natural born
    citizens under the terms of the MINOR case of 1875.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenerg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California

  2. The Prez nomination stuff has been EVIL INSANE since at least 1832. Party hack oligarchs controlled in 1788-1828.


    Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the U.S.A.

    P.R. and NONPARTISAN nominations and elections of ALL elected executive officers and ALL judges for SHORT terms.

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