Sarasota, Florida Voters Approve Instant-Runoff Voting

On November 6, the voters of Sarasota, Florida, approved using Instant-Runoff Voting for city elections. That policy can’t go into effect until the state of Florida certifies some vote-counting equipment that can handle IRV. The margin in favor was 3-1.


Sarasota, Florida Voters Approve Instant-Runoff Voting — No Comments

  1. Major defects of the Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) Method, 30 May 2007

    Times are ROUGH and TOUGH — like 1860 or 1932. The *middle* is very divided.

    34 H W S
    33 S W H
    16 W H S
    16 W S H


    Place Votes Table

    1 2 3

    H 34 16 49 99
    S 33 16 50 99
    W 32 67 0 99

    99 99 99

    With IRV, W loses. H beats S 50-49.

    Head to head (Condorcet method) —
    W beats H 65-34
    W beats S 66-33

    W WINS.

    IF the first 2 place votes are *YES* votes (as in Approval Voting), then —

    H 50
    S 49
    W 99

    W WINS

    IF the Bucklin Method is used (add place votes to get a majority), then adding the place 1 and place 2 votes —

    H 50
    S 49
    W 99

    W WINS

    H Hitler, S Stalin, W George Washington (American General in the 1775-1781 American Revolution and the first U.S. President)

    IRV is super-dangerous since it ignores most of the data in a place votes table — regardless of the New Age mindless math MORONS hyping IRV in various places — especially for executive / judicial offices.

    IRV WILL nominate / elect HITLER / STALIN TYPE extremists —- who will claim a mighty IRV majority *mandate* for their EVIL stuff — while defeating compromise candidates — especially for offices like President, Governor, mayor, etc.
    ALL voting methods have problems with 3 or more choices. See

    Example – divided majority

    26 AB
    25 BA
    49 Z

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