Virginia House Unanimously Passes Bill to Use Old U.S. House District Boundaries for Petitioning This Year

On February 14, the Virginia House passed HB 1151 unanimously. This is the bill that says petitions for both the primary and the general election this year, for federal office, are valid if they are based on the old U.S. House districts (the ones in force between 2001 and 2010). The bill goes into effect as soon as it is signed into law.

Assuming it also passes the Senate and is signed quickly by the Governor, the bill enables presidential petitions, and U.S. Senate petitions, and U.S. House petitions, to proceed now, without any need to wait to see what the new district boundaries will be.


Virginia House Unanimously Passes Bill to Use Old U.S. House District Boundaries for Petitioning This Year — No Comments

  1. Is the U.S.A. on the razor’s edge of TOTAL gerrymander chaos ???

    The MONSTERS love their rigged gerrymander districts the same way that the old Barons, Dukes, etc. loved their feudal fief areas with their serfs/slaves — being aided and abetted by MORON judges in MORON courts.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    How about Sound Democracy General Quarters ???
    Bong. Bong. Bong.
    All Democracy hands on deck.
    The EVIL gerrymander MONSTERS are your EVIL deadly enemies.

    FETUS IS NOT A BABY (GOOGLE THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CHART), but a parasite because the classification of the biological relationship that is based on the behavior one organism (fetus) and how it relates to the woman’s body.

    as a zygote, it invaded the woman’s uterus using its TROPHOBLAST cells, hijacked her immune system by using NEUROKININ B and HCG— so her body doesn’t kill it, steals her nutrients to survive, and causes her harm or potential death.

    wikipedia org/wiki/Trophoblast

    “The placenta, It secretes Neurokinin B containing phosphocholine molecules. This is the same mechanism used by parasitic nematodes to avoid detection by the immune system of their host.[2]”
    wikipedia org/wiki/Immune_tolerance_in_pregnancy

    wikipedia org/wiki/Human_chorionic_gonadotropin

    “It is also possible for a symbiotic relationship to exist between two organisms of the same species.”
    answers com/topic/symbiosis — Gale’s Science of Everyday Things.

    just like a parasitic twin — wikipedia org/wiki/Parasitic_twin

    “an animal or plant that lives in or on another (the host) from which it obtains nourishment. The host does not benefit from the association and is often harmed by it”
    thefreedictionary com/parasite

    pregnancy CAUSES HARM: thelizlibrary org/liz/004 htm

    the bible supported abortion, that was done by a priest, in god’s name, in his holly temple!
    the 1984 NIV footnote of numbers 5:11-31 explained what “to thy thigh to rot, they belly to swell” meant: numbers 5:21 “or causes you to have a miscarrying womb and barrenness” to CAUSE a miscarrying womb IS an abortion.

    ‘Ephraim, as I saw Tyre, is planted in a pleasant place; but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer.” Give them, O LORD — what wilt Thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts…Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit; yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.’

    HOSEA 9-16

    the judeo-christian god is a myth and historical evidence proves it.
    3.3.3 ATHEISM: A HISTORY OF GOD (Part 1)- Evid3nc3
    2nd Foundational Falsehood of Creationism-AronRa
    The BEST emotional P*RN- Thunderf00t
    Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 36)
    Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 29)
    Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 28)

    www evilbible com/god
    skepticsannotatedbible com/says_about/abortion

  4. How does the candidate know what district they will be in unless the same ones are also used in the actual election not just for petitioning. If not a candidate may petition and not get any signatures from the district he is running in.

  5. #4, good question. It would have been smarter for the Virginia legislature to consider a bill that would just allow any registered voter in the state to sign for a US House candidate. Florida has done that with in-lieu of filing fee petitions, in years when redistricting isn’t finished yet.

  6. These kinds of patchwork pieces are a basic refusal by the establishment party to avoid fixing the high bar for the number of signatures needed.

    All non-establishment parties presented a solid proposal to reduce the number of signatures needed in each congressional district and statewide and not one member picked up the proposal.

    Incumbent protections reek in this state.

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