New York Daily News on More Possible Americans Elect Presidential Nominees

The February 15 New York Daily News has this “gossip” column, mentioning that Tom Golisano has been suggested as a possible Americans Elect presidential nominee. Golisano was the Independence Party’s nominee for Governor of New York in 1994, 1998, and 2002. Each time he ran, he polled a higher share of the vote. In 2002 he polled 14.28%.


New York Daily News on More Possible Americans Elect Presidential Nominees — No Comments

  1. Pingback: New York Daily News on More Possible Americans Elect Presidential Nominees |

  2. Was this the result of that ‘town hall metting’ Sunday that had less than 200 views, and only answered scripted questions from inside plants?

  3. I nominate DemoRep. He is the only potential candidate whose name alone represents a balanced ticket.

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