Green Party and Justice Party Each Set to Submit Party Petition in Utah on February 15

Both the Justice Party, and the Green Party, are about to submit their petition for party status in Utah on the afternoon of February 15, Wednesday. The Greens have approximately 3,000 signatures. The Justice Party has 3,048. Today is the deadline.

The law requires 2,000 valid signatures. Parties already on the Utah ballot, besides Democratic and Republican, are Americans Elect, Constitution, and Libertarian.


Green Party and Justice Party Each Set to Submit Party Petition in Utah on February 15 — No Comments

  1. Pingback: Green Party and Justice Party Each Set to Submit Party Petition in Utah on February 15 |

  2. Impressive petitioning work by the wife of Dr. Jill Stein’s campaign mgr Ben Manski.

    Bravo Green Party… and Manski family.

    Family that Green Party politics together stays together…

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