Idaho Governor Signs Bill, Abolishing Presidential Primary

On March 1, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed H391, which abolishes the presidential primary, effective this year. If the bill had not passed, the primary would have been May 15.

Generally, when other states have abolished presidential primaries, the rationale is to save election-administration expense. But Idaho is holding its primary for all other office besides President on May 15 anyway, so the bill barely saves any money. The major parties are using caucuses instead of the presidential primary, but even a non-binding “beauty contest” would have attracted a lot of attention to Idaho, and probably increased primary turnout.

Two states will hold presidential primaries on May 15: Nebraska and Oregon.


Idaho Governor Signs Bill, Abolishing Presidential Primary — No Comments

  1. Idaho starts their closed primary this year, the political parties might not want voters who just show up to vote in the Republican presidential race. Since many voters will be affiliated for the first time at the primary, a lower turnout may be desirable.

  2. The caucus system prevents active military, the disabled, those who cannot sit for hours and are bored with longwinded speeches (me), people who have work conflicts and many others from participating in the nomination process. Yes,exactly, the political parties in some states apparently don’t want people to vote for the Presidential nominee. I think the election process for President of the United States belongs to all of the people, not just political insiders. Even an advisory primary allows people to be a part of the process.

  3. Political parties do want people to vote, but they just want their members to choose their nominee and not others of different political parties.

  4. PUBLIC nominations by PUBLIC Electors of PUBLIC candidates for PUBLIC offices.

    Who sees ANY mention of robot party hack parties in the U.S.A. Const. ???

    See the 2 Texas White Primary cases in 1928-1932 in SCOTUS.
    Uniform definition of Elector.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    NO more MORON caucuses, primaries and conventions — controlled by ANTI-Democracy MONSTERS– i.e. think mini-Stalin/Hitler extremists.

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